4 research outputs found

    Methodological Approaches to Modeling Information Architecture of the Organization in the Conditions of Digital Economy

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    It is significant for businesses, especially in the digital economy, the solution of theoretical and methodological justifications and the development of practical recommendations for building an organization\u27s information architecture as a holistic description of its key strategies, related to business, information, application systems and technologies, and also their impact on the functions and business processes of an organization. The article discusses issues, related to methodological approaches to modeling an organization\u27s information architectureб using information management tools to help manage innovation in information systems (IS) and information technologies (IT). The relevance of organizational provisions to determine the way, in which a business entity\u27s business model is functionally integrated with the IS architecture is substantiated. The consideration and analysis of the use of industrial standards for describing the architecture of an organization, adopted by such institutions as the International Organization for Standardization (ISO), The Open Group, Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE), etc. reveal that none of these standards is dominant and does not provide teams, responsible for the architecture development with all the tools, necessary from the methodological point of view and from the point of view of the templates, used to describe the architecture. Recommendations are given on the theoretical and methodological substantiation and construction of the information architecture of an organization as a complete description of its key strategies related to business, information, application systems and technologies, as well as their impact on the functions and business processes of an organization

    Researches of Modern Development of Business Environment in Ukraine

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    The article deals with concept of «business environment». The views of scientists on its essence are analyzed and definition as an integrated set of objective and subjective various external and internal factors is suggested that mediate business relations and allow the entrepreneur to succeed in realization of objectives, in the implementation of business projects and contracts at a profit. Article describes the dynamics of basic indicators of business development in Ukraine (the number of small businesses, the number of employed in small business and the volume of sales). Conceptual provisions of development of entrepreneurial relations that are the basis of author's interpretation of essence, goals and functions of business management are presented

    Каталазоподібна активність каоліну, декорованого нанорозмірним оксидом церію

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    Ряд наноматеріалів на основі каоліну, декорованих CeO2, було синтезовано шляхом осадження нітрату церію у водному середовищі без стабілізаторів за кімнатної температури. Кількість депо- нованого оксиду церію в наноматеріалах становить 2,76–7,37 %. Було встановлено, що розмір CeO2 у нанокристалітах варіюється від 5,6 до 10,4 нм. Рентгеноструктурний аналіз зразків показав, що діоксид церію має кубічну структуру. Співвідношення Ce4+/Ce3+ в нанокомпозитах оцінювали за допомогою УФ-спектроскопії дифузного відбиття. Каталітичну активність синтезованих матері- алів, каоліну та чистого нанооксиду церію досліджували в модельній реакції розкладання пероксиду водню в інтервалі рН 8,5–10,5 і порівнювали з активністю ферменту каталаза. Було показано, що активність каталізаторів, декорованих оксидом церію, корелює з вмістом модифікатора. Залежність активності зразків Се-5K, Се-7К, Се-9K і нано-CeO2 від рН екстремальна з максимумом при рН 9,5–10. Каталазоподібна активність вивчених матеріалів у перерахунку на 100 % вміст оксиду церію корелює з дисперсністю часток нанооксиду та поверхневими дефектами, оціненими за відношенням IUVSCe 4+/IUVSCe 3+. Таким чином, синтезовані нанокомпозити є ефективними каталізато- рами і можуть бути використані в біотехнології та медицині для розкладання пероксидних сполук.A series of kaolin nanomaterials decorated with CeO2 was synthesized by reaction of cerium nitrate deposition in an aqueous medium without stabilizers at room temperature. Amount of deposited cerium oxide in nanomaterial vary from 2.76 % to 7.37 %. The size of CeO2 nanocrystalls was established and vary from 5.6 till 10.4 nm. X-ray analysis of samples shown that deposited cerium dioxide has a cubic structure. IUVSCe4+/IUVSCe3+ ratio in nanocomposites were evaluated by UV diffuse reflection spectroscopy. The catalytic activity of the synthesized materials, kaolin, pure cerium nanoxide was investigated in a model reaction of hydrogen peroxide decomposition in pH range 8.5–0.5 and compared with the enzyme catalase activity. It was proven that the activity of ceria oxide decorated catalysts correlates with modifier content. The dependence of the samples Ce-5K, Ce-7K, Ce-9K and CeO2 nano activity on pH is extreme with maximum at pH 9.5–10. Catalase mimetic activity of the studied materials in terms of 100 % content of cerium oxide CeO2 correlates with nanooxide particle dispersion and ceria surface defects evaluated as IUVSCe4+/IUVSCe3+ ratio